Christmas message from Rian Joubert

  • 15 December 2021
  • 1721

When the pandemic struck in 2020, there was an underlying, unspoken hope that it would be a rapidly passing crisis. Now, almost 20 months later, we can all agree that we will never go back to where we were. Life as we know it has changed forever.

During this time, we have lost friends and family, we lost our way of life, we lost our freedom, and we certainly lost our sense of security. A trip to the grocery store necessitates a strategic plan. And it's frustrating to have a mask on your face all the time: glasses fog up, and at times it feels as if you are suffocating and whatever you do, sanitize!

December holidays used to be a time of rest for many people, but has now turned into a time of tension – especially with regard to the new-found wave of Covid infections.

It's hard to process and handle all this! What do you do with the pressure and tension?

Hebrews 12:27 says: The words "once more" make it clear that the created things, which are already shaking, will be finally taken away, so that the unshakable things can remain.

With Christmas around the corner, we are reminded of the things that really matter. What are the things you hold on to? Are the things you believe in really representative of your foundation?

Is rest for you a month-long holiday at Hartenbos or are you resting in the knowledge that Jesus is completely in control? Is your security in your bank balance and your work or is your security anchored in the truth that your treasures are not on earth but in heaven?

Human goods are unstable and unreliable. This was clearly pointed out by the Covid pandemic. Remember: the scripture says what is built on Jesus is unshakable. 

I pray that you will realise this Christmas season what is truly important to you.
As believers, Jesus said we are never alone.

May you find rest in this.
Merry Christmas

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