JDI Impressive at Agri Mega Week

  • 02 October 2017
  • 3198
  •  JDI
  •  jdi

Despite the cold and windy conditions, many people braved the elements to have a closer look at the impressive John Deere and JCB machines at the JDI stall. In addition a Stihl mobile exhibition truck was also on hand to demonstrate the range of Stihl products available. Members of the JDI team from various branches manned the stall on different days, with the show being held from 13 September to 16 September. Aside from the massive and efficient machines on display, the John Deere clothing range and the precision farming booth attracted quite a bit of attention.
AgriMegaWeek has evolved into and is marketed as a regular event to generate and stimulate business and to find workable solutions for agriculture in a unique and  practical way. Visitors were treated to attractions such as exhibitions, demos, workshop, conferences, fresh products, competition and fun for the whole family.
“AgriMegaWeek is an important event for JDI - it is the perfect platform to showcase our products and services,” said JDI’s Emilius Tomlinson.
Lots of leads and interest were generated and the highlight was when John Deere Financial’s, Nelia Grobbelaar, signed up a new JD 6M tractor at the JDI stall! Visit the JDI website and Facebook page for more photos and info about JDI’s presence at AgriMegaWeek 2017

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